The Slees

The Slees
Momma, Dada and Gavin

Sunday, January 30, 2011

This Old House

So this is our first house. I know I put this picture up on Facebook all ready, but it's the only one I have. I really should get to taking more pictures of the house. A lot of people have been asking about it. We are truly excited about our new journey in our very first house. Just yesterday we made our first, large purchase for the house; Windows. Eeeek. Very pricey. BUT, we are hoping that they will help cut back on our heating costs AND we were concerned with any lead-based paint that Gavin may be exposed to. Two very good reasons, but the purchase was (other than the house) the largest purchase we have made as a couple. It's just very intimidating and I will be happy when they are all in. The window salesman thought the current windows were from the 1930s or 40s. Old, right? That's what I'm saying!

Anyhoo, moving on to the reason of this blog.

This house makes me want to be Betty-Friggin'-Crocker. I'm not quite positive what that means, but I want to learn to garden, learn to bake, learn to food process. ????? If you know me or if you don't, it's not difficult to find out that I am NOT Betty Crocker in the slightest. I am quite clumsy when it comes to cooking or baking. I once set a pot of boiling water on fire. How does one accomplish something so awesome? Good question. I sit right now, a house a mess, writing this blog. Perhaps I should shut the lap top and go clean or something. All in due time! This blog will not take long.

The house is like a clean, fresh canvas. It is a bit larger than our last place, so what we had acquired over the last few years does not do much for filling space. Did I mention I want to learn interior design? Haha. I would, in the least, like this place to have style. We don't have much $$ to throw in to this (because as previous mentioned, we just signed our life in to paying for windows), so I would like to get crafty. So many things I would like to look in to! Where to start?!

Everyone keeps reminding me we will be here for many years to come and to take my time, but seriously... it's hard to do. It's hard to NOT get in over our heads, ya know? Matt has his own mental list of projects he would like to accomplish too. What's one of my firsts?? Head to the library, pay my fine (whoopsie) and check out "Gardening For Dummies" (if there is such a book). There is a garden in the back for growing veggies. But.. how to not kill them is what I really need to research. Again, where to start?! I am a train wreck when it comes to common knowledge. Perhaps gardening is common knowledge? Perhaps not.

Second order of business. Become crafty. I would think they have books at the library about certain crafty abilities.

In case you haven't realized, I am a book reader. At least when it comes to the things I want to know. I have read "What To Expect When You're Expecting" multiple times and I do refer to my "WTE: The First Year" on a regular basis. I would check out 4 or 5 pregnancy books at a time and when I got closer to my due date I would check out 4 or 5 "how to not do too much damage to your baby" books. So far, it's worked. ;)

Here are just a few other things that I would like to kick start:

1) Reading the Harry Potter series. Seriously, I love the movies so much. How can I be a true fan without reading any of the books?! I'd like to read them to Gavin.
2) Knitting. This is something I tried several years back with no success. I got frustrated and quit. I would like to knit my son a sweater, or in the very least a scarf.
3) Hemp. I would make necklaces, bracelets, etc. Finding beads I liked was frustrating, but in the last year or so I have been to a couple of shops that seem to have some better choices. I was also able to find some soft hemp that created a more even look. Jewelry making in general intrigues me. I would love to take some jewelry making classes, but that will have to be down the road.

One thing at a time, Kristin. I will have to try and remember that.

Oh, look! A cute picture of the cutest little boy in the world, Gavin Slee!! :D He likes his carrots.

That's all. What a fun way to end things, right?? Hehe.

1 comment:

  1. check out lasagna gardening. I do that and it's super EASY!!!!! Also, for getting crafty... if you need pictures for your walls you can buy a blank canvas and find different objects that are circular and draw around them lightly then paint over them with paints that you'll use for your living room, etc. OR you can get some cute wallpaper then frame it. OR find some cute fabric and staple it onto a blank canvas. Easy decorations. :) You can also make your own throw pillows for your sofas...Also SUPER EASY. If you want Flowers in your house buy a cute vase or use cool looking cups and place real flowers in your house. It makes it look instantly welcome :) (I love Crafts and Gardening!)
